
Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez latest news: What does lingse mean? (Video)

On October 29, 2012, Hollywood Lifereported Justin Bieber and Selena Gomezmight have ended their relationship. The news comes from an Instagram photo that Bieber posted with the caption “Lingse.” The word has fans scrambling for a definition and as many have asked what the word means, the solution has been offered that “lingse” is an anagram for “single.” Was Justin Bieber sending a hidden message to fans and followers that his relationship with Selena Gomez is over?
Is Justin Bieber Single?
The news that Justin Bieber may be single has set frenzied fans into high anticipation. While many fans root for Gomez and Bieber, there are countless fans who would love to become the next Mrs. Bieber. If “Lingse” doesn’t mean single, than what could it mean? Interestingly, Bieber took the photo along with the caption down shortly after posting it. While Bieber is known for using social media networks frequently, especially Twitter and Instagram, Selena Gomez has noticeably dropped from her Twitter account. Her last tweet was October 23, 2012. According to the report, Bieber looked terribly sad in the photo and it’s possible he posted during a time of feeling despondent, and then removed it after news of his relationship status began to spread.
Is Selena Gomez Putting Work Before Relationship with Justin Bieber?
Selena Gomez is 20-years-old, while Justin Bieber is 18. The two are one of Hollywood’s most popular young couples and teen fans adore them. Gomez has embarked upon multiple acting opportunities since the series finale of the Disney program “Wizards of Waverly Place.” Her film, “Hotel Transylvania” was just released and the young singer and actress is currently filming a special for “Wizards of Waverly Place.” Gomez’ last tweet was in reference to the project and some may wonder if Gomez’ career changes are taking her away from her relationship with Bieber.
It’s important to realize that young love may feel as though it will last forever, but there are situations and times in life when new opportunities present changes that cause tremendous strains on relationships.
If the couple has broken up, it is unclear whether Gomez’ career changes have affected their relationship, but it wouldn’t be doubtful. Career changes often have a direct impact on a relationship’s status and as young people discover more of who they are, and what they want from life, they may find that saying good-bye to certain relationships opens the path to new ones.
Justin Bieber is currently touring in Missouri, while new photos showed Selena Gomez celebrating Halloween at a party without Bieber.
Is their relationship on the rocks?
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